1- The Key to Get Deeply Inspired in Programming Career
The difference between inspiration and deep inspiration is the passion to act consistently for the greater good. (11/03/2022)
2- A Sketch of the Biggest Idea in Software Architecture
An elaboration of the previous article on narrow waists: an idea in software architecture that relates to networking, operating systems, language design, compilers, and distributed systems. (12/03/2022)
3- Celebrate tiny learning milestones
It’s much more healthy to be flexible about your goals and to celebrate the milestones you do end up getting to instead of feeling bad about goals that you “failed” at. (13/03/2022)
4- When to “address” “technical debt”?
It’s not old code that’s technical debt, it’s lightly-designed code. That thing that seemed like the solution when you first thought of it. Yes, ship it, by all means, but be ready to very quickly rewrite it when you learn more. The question is when, how often, how much? (13/03/2022)
5- C Isn't A Programming Language Anymore
C is the lingua franca of programming. We must all speak C, and therefore C is not just a programming language anymore – it’s a protocol that every general-purpose programming language needs to speak. (16/03/2022)
6- How to be interruptible?
One of the biggest problems to solve when a developer has lead responsibilities is to find time to develop (if you want to develop). Time management is critical, for sure, but you need to find a way to be interruptible. (12/03/2022)
7- Contributing to Complex Projects
A step by step guide at approaching a new complex project with the goal of making meaningful changes (13/03/2022)
8- SQL Injection at Spotify
Eslam Akl writes about one of his SQL Injection finding at Spotify discovered on 9th May 2021. (14/03/2022)
9- Scrum Velocity: 5 Things that Go Wrong
Velocity is a core metric for tracking the progress of Scrum teams. If velocity is stable, everything is on track. But what happens when it isn’t? What can cause velocity to slow or become erratic, making agile estimation more difficult? (16/03/2022)
10- Introduction to Apple Silicon
This document attempts to explain the Apple Silicon (i.e. M1 and later) Mac boot ecosystem as it pertains to how open-OSes interoperate with the platform. (16/03/2022)